"How can I make more connections to create opportunities for my art business?" - Laurie Baars E67

"How can I make more connections to create opportunities for my art business?" - Laurie Baars E67
Intuitive Art Sales with Jessica Craddock
"How can I make more connections to create opportunities for my art business?" - Laurie Baars E67

Feb 11 2024 | 00:40:27

Episode 67 February 11, 2024 00:40:27

Show Notes

Ep67 - Laurie Baars is an abstract, non-representational artist who works with texture, mark making, and collage. Her art captures the feeling of places that she's been and evokes a sense of calm and spaciousness. Laurie transitioned into a career as an artist after spending 30 years in a corporate career because she wanted to leave the stress and overwhelm behind, and she is very proud of all the she has accomplished in the past year.

Laurie’s goals include growing her online sales and getting her work into galleries. She knows that connecting with the right people will help her reach those goals, but she’s not exactly sure how to go about it. Although she has been successful at attracting followers and growing her email list on Instagram, it’s not getting her where she wants to go.

Listen in as I teach Laurie how to make connections that can lead to her success. _________________________

>> For information on working with Jessica, send your questions/thoughts here: https://theartistmarket.co/contact/

>> For more practical and energetic strategies to create consistent income and life balance, follow me on Instagram @‌artistmarketco.


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